Devine Interventions has been working with web technology since the beginning. We've worked with websites that had only limited functions, to the interactive and multi-media sites available today. While access to the web has gotten easier for more people, the needs of a website to provide information has only become more complex. Today, having a static website does not meet even the smallest organizations needs. We've have moved into the world of internet technology that requires content managed systems.
If you've read anything at all about Content Management Systems (CMS), you'll probably know at least three things: CMS are the most exciting way to do business, CMS can be really, I mean really, complicated and lastly Portals are absolute, outrageously, often unaffordably expensive.
If you've read anything at all about Content Management Systems (CMS), you'll probably know at least three things: CMS are the most exciting way to do business, CMS can be really, I mean really, complicated and lastly Portals are absolute, outrageously, often unaffordably expensive.
Devine Interventions has helped hundreds of businesses, schools, organizations, and individuals become empowered by the internet and the World Wide Web.
We provide a host of services including website design, maintenance, and programming to include the work in designing websites that can be managed by non-technical people. We'll be providing you a review of some of the options available, as well as helping you learn the terminology and costs of implementing new functions on your website.